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Library Management System

Library Management System


Library System assists in creating and managing the detailed member information to assist library staff in both the general circulation of items and production of reports and statistics.

  • It has a customized grouping of members under various categories and classes.
  • Setting of fine per day or book return period can be customized for individuals or for specific categories of members.
  • Barring articles after a certain number can also be defined.
  • By using the membership database the software can print membership cards with a photograph and barcode for circulation. This is useful for library staff to match the identities of borrowers on the database which can be viewed on the computer screen from its membership card before issuing.


Library System supports all the activities related to the acquisition of books or other materials, from the proposal to acquiring an article, until it is finally paid for or received as a gift till its accessioning.

The Acquisition system of the Library System covers all the functionalities related to:
  • The approval process
  • Placing of orders
  • Receiving articles
  • Invoice processing and accessioning

To initiate a title coming through any of the channels its bibliographic and acquisition details are to be entered first into the system. This module checks for a duplicate title and gives three facilities at this stage:

  • Entering all the details of a new title
  • Copying the data of an existing title and allowing editing for a revised edition
  • Selecting an existing title entry for additional copies

There is a separate function to enter items received on gratis or exchange or free. The titles are accessioned immediately at the time of entering and are put in the in-process file for cataloguing.


The details of materials accessioned in the Acquisition System are stored in an inprocess file and these can be selected from the in-process title list for cataloguing. For both the cases (in-process titles or entered directly) the holding status of the individual items could be either for circulation or reference or any of the userdefined statuses. This can later be changed through holding to update the function if desired.

Just by importing the data, an accurate and consistent hard copy of the catalogue (3x5catalogue card) as per AACR-II (Anglo American Cataloguing Standards) standards can be produced.


Library System performs routine functions of circulation of items with checks set by the authority of the library at every level. The in-built interface to the barcode system eases the basic transactions like issue and return. The transaction report of a borrower can be printed online.

The user can customize fine circulation (with alerts for overdue items) and a number of articles issued to the member as per the existing regulation of the library.

Records of the books, which are on display, held in reserve, in the bindery, withdrawn or missing, etc. can be maintained and subsequently updated through the collection update function. The updated shelf list can be generated through the filtration of the database. Books which have been issued out can be put on reserve for more than one person. Books or other materials brought on loan from other libraries can be subsequently issued to borrowers of your library. The above functions are maintained through the circulation system.


Serials can be initiated for a particular subscription year through a New Subscription function. An approval process is then done if approval is required for the serial otherwise direct order is placed for it. For a new subscription order type will be N (new). Reminder notice for the serials, which are overdue, can be generated through the ‘Reminder Notice' (for specific serial) option of the claims monitoring function.

Already subscribed serials can be renewed for the succeeding year through the subscription renewal function. For those serial orders, the type may be either R (renew) or A (additional). If the order is set to a different vendor than that of the previous year, the order type should be A otherwise R.

Invoice processing and payment requisition are the next processes to be done followed by Receiving the serials. After all issues of a serial are received, it is ready for a binding process; this is to be done through Bindery Management Function. After binding of serials, the loose issue details can be changed, or they can be removed from the system through the update loose issue function.


Library System offers powerful online searches through the library catalogue. Providing, a dedicated networked system for cataloguing to the members facilitates the search of articles in the library. It is simple to use, to conduct a search one need not be aware of the cataloguing style of the library.

Detailed searches are available for various fields like Author, Tile, Subject Name, Keyword, Publisher, ISBN/ISSN, Year of Publication and many more. If any word or phrase is given for the search like ‘Marketing', the search will fetch all the data that contains ‘Marketing' as well as ‘Market' as a result. The logical connector ‘OR', ‘AND' and ‘NOT' allows the Boolean search made on words from any of the bibliographic data. Further searches in a search can be made for the specific information. The search can be saved as a report and a printout of the same can be taken.

Through Library System the user can also find the circulation status of an individual item, and if the material is issued it will show the details like whom it is issued and when is the due return date.

The other information of the items such as Abstract of the item, Number of copies, Inventory Status such as lost/ missing/ withdrawn etc. is displayed in the search result.


  • The Barcode generation and printing process is a Built-In feature of the Library System (no third-party software support is required).
  • Data Base backup and restore facility is just on one click.
  • Interface with standard windows applications like WordPad, MS Word, MS Excel etc., and reports can be exported to other formats like doc, pdf, etc.
  • MP3, AVI, PowerPoint, images and other multimedia files can be entered and can be searched through keywords. Double click to open files and multimedia links to sound, films, images, maps, websites, etc.
  • Different fine rates for different types of borrowers, with full charging and payment history for each borrower.
  • Drag & Drop, Cut & Past reduces data entry effort and thereby increase uniformity and accuracy of the data.
  • Library System serves members to search the materials by any part of the name of authors and title. It not only provides the title and author result but also gives much other additional information related to the desired materials like availability, location, etc.
  • Customizable security to Access Levels.

Library System gives full control to the administrator to assign Password Protected specific permission according to the nature of the job performed by the different staff members and library members.


  • Book Issues/Returned/Due etc.
  • Books Purchased
  • Books Received in Donation
  • Member fine Report
  • Fine Balances of Members
  • Payments Received by Members
  • Physical Stock Tacking by Barcode reader
  • Authors/Titles/Subject/etc.
  • Publishers/Vendors
  • Book Donors
  • Member categories

There are many more reports available, which covers all the reporting part Of Library Administration and Management