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Fee Management System

The Fee Module comprises all details regarding fees such as fee submission, advanced fee, hostel fee, and refund of academic and hostel fees. It includes various facilities like admission fees, computer fees, tuition fees etc.

The fee Template head gives the facility to set the fee template according to course, branch, semester, category etc. The template gives the tool to instantly copy the records of one branch for a course say BE 1st semester in all subsequent branches, which can thereafter be edited as and when required. Thus by updating for all branches time is saved in data entry of fee heads.

The fee Submission head helps you to submit the fee with the click of a unique student ID. Also includes an editable mode of payment, whether cash, DD or cheque. The student id retrieves all information about the student viz; his/her semester, branch, category etc. and populates the fee submission form accordingly. This form also includes the facility for partial payment of the fees and the balance is shown whenever the student decides to pay the remaining amount, reports attached to this section can tell the balance of all the students whenever the management seeks such information. If by any chance the balance goes unnoticed by the staff the system shall generate a message of “balance fee” whenever the student comes to submit fees for the next semester. The system does away with the need to keep lengthy records of fee payments by individual students and minimizes the chance of escape in fee payments.

The advance fee head gives the facility to submit the fee in advance at the time of admission, this facility shall give information to the fee collector at the time of final payment of the fee for the first semester. Shows warning messages if there is any balance.

Receipt User can specify all receipt detail, student detail and payment detail Payroll

Defaulter List User can find the defaulter in a second after collection day defaulter list master finds which student does not deposit the fee on the fee date and generated an automatics SMS alert for dues.

After Collection User can get after the collection cash and user can compare to collection report how many money we collected and how much money we are collect

Single Statement User can generate the statement of each student. Users can watch the statement date-wise and a single statement generate the report of all pay mode given by the student.

Fee Refund In this section the fee refund of a particular category of student is carried out. Fee, in general, is made to submit by all category students and when the grant for a particular category is received by the college the student in question is refunded his fee corresponding to the amount of the grant.